What is the Gift of Hospitality?

woman holding a bowl of green beans, about to place it on a dining table set for thanksgiving.

Before I define the gift of hospitality, it may help to point out what life would look like without hospitality.

You would never stop over to a friend’s house for a meal. There would be no Thanksgiving dinners with family gathered around a big table.

You wouldn’t have a place to stay when visiting a new city, nor anywhere to eat. In fact, there wouldn’t be any hotels or restaurants.

You’d never enjoy a beverage with your neighbors on the back deck. In other words, it would be a sad, lonely world without hospitality!

It’s also helpful to think of hotels and restaurants as a starting point toward understanding hospitality. You don’t know anyone there, but they welcome you in, serve you food and beverage, attend to your needs, give you a room full of amenities to enjoy, and a bed to rest in overnight.

Granted, you pay them to do that. And that is where the hospitality industry and the gift of hospitality differ.

When a Christian uses their gift of hospitality, they aren’t expecting payment. No return favor is needed. They are serving others without need for an exchange, and they do so joyfully.

They do this because they have what’s called a spiritual gift.

Spiritual gifts

Below are three Bible passages that describe spiritual gifts. There are few more, but these are the most commonly used passages.

1 Corinthians 12: 8–10 NIV
To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.

Romans 12: 6–8 NIV
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement;if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

1 Peter 4:9–10 NIV
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

In addition to wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophesying, serving, and others listed above, hospitality is a spiritual gift. It is given by the Holy Spirit, by God’s grace, and it’s used to serve others. Each Christian is given a different gift, and that is what enables the church to function and care for the needs of its members.

The gift of hospitality

You may know someone (possibly yourself!) who has this gift of hospitality.

They often host people for a meal, or invite a group of people over to watch the game. They perhaps made you feel welcome on your first day on the job and showed you where the coffee machine and office supplies were.

They introduced themselves to you at a party or at church, and took a moment to get to know you a little better. They invited you in when you had nowhere to go, whether for an afternoon or for a few weeks (or months!).

If the answer is yes to several of these questions, this person may very well have the gift of hospitality.

Questions to ask

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if you may have the gift of hospitality:

  • Do you enjoy inviting people into your home for a meal?
  • Do you have a knack for making people feel welcome, whether that’s in your own home, at church, at work, or elsewhere?
  • Do people feel comfortable stopping by your home unannounced?
  • Are you able to anticipate the needs of guests and strangers?
  • Do you joyfully provide for the needs of your guests?
  • Is your home open to people who might need a place to stay while passing through?

The gift of hospitality can be used in many forms. Here’s a post that I did on various uses of hospitality, and what that looks like.


It is important to note that the Bible passages above were written in Greek. The Greek word for hospitality is “philoxenia”, which translates, “love of strangers.” In the time that the Bible was written, it was much more common to invite a stranger into your home. Inns were scarce, and travel was long by foot.

The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem, for example, was 80 miles (that’s the route that Mary and Joseph took right before Jesus was born). So understandably, people in Jesus’ time would have needed a place to stay as they traveled. Housing complete strangers for a night was common.

Hospitality today

Even with that context, the translation of “love of strangers” still applies to us today.

If we only love our family and friends, and people who are like us, what kind of love would that be? That kind of love is easy, and it’s a love that is often repaid.

When we entertain a stranger, however, there’s a very real possibility that the guest may not be able to pay us back.

When we open our homes, and give our time and resources away joyfully to make others feel welcome, that’s when we’re using the gift of hospitality.

It’s living thoughtfully and generously toward others to ensure they feel welcome, included, and loved.

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below:

Do you have the gift of hospitality or know someone who does?

How have you seen it at work to bless others?

How have you been blessed by it yourself?


  1. What are your thoughts on a strong Christian who will use family gatherings and meetings as opportunities to preach or hear conversations the Lord that make family so uncomfortable that they rather not come next time if this person will be there nor accept invites to their homes. Does every Christian to have gift of hospitality? When i question their ways i get well it is my obligation to tell them because i will never know when i will see them again and they cannot say they never were told. Again this person has many years and a pastor gift of teaching is strong and i know their intentiona are not to push people away but in my opion they are and i have no biblical way to show them because if not in the scriptures then they will not hear it so it makes me think its me that maybe i should be the same way and i am conflicted with what i feel is right to know people is an important part and not just force my belief when they just came to my house for a family meal.

    1. Hi V, thanks for commenting! If there’s anything I’ve learned living with and doing life with other Christians, it’s that the Holy Spirit convicts us all in different ways. So one person may be convicted to share the Gospel story with lots of people, whereas others may be more convicted to share the love of God through actions (such as hospitality), and share the actual story of the Gospel more sparingly, when prompted by the Holy Spirit. God uses us all in order to love people and reach all nations! Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you. I just prayed that for you, too.

  2. The Greek word for hospitality is “philoxenia”, which translates, “love of strangers. Love that! ❤

  3. I wonder is hospitality a gift .Like art, singing preaching..I ask can not anyone have hospitality if they live in christ ..I have has always had a giving sprit..but I always get turned away for being to nice or hurt..I known everyone on this earth has a God given gift. but is hospitality a gift or a God given right

    1. Hi Erica, thank you so much for your comment. I agree! As believers, we are all called to hospitality (1 Peter 4:9). I do think some people are more inclined to bless people with it, whether it’s a gift, talent, or prompting from God. I pray that your giving and hospitality will be better received in the future. Yet it is not how it’s received, but the heart of the giver! Blessings to you. Numbers 6:24–26

  4. I really want the gift of hospitality. Growing up I had a pretty fractured relationship with my parents and was often living with others. I’ve been blessed by the gift all throughout my life and I remember the feeling of being somewhere safe and peaceful. I struggle with keeping house and not letting things get cluttered so this isn’t a skill that comes naturally to me. But with the Holy Spirit’s help, I can cultivate a home that is welcoming and comfortable to others.

    1. Amen, Michelle—I think that’s exactly it: a gift from the Holy Spirit by God’s power and not ours. A former pastor of mine used to preach that EVERYONE can show the gift of hospitality, no matter if it comes naturally or not. You are making a difference for the kingdom!

  5. My mom would like to grow in the area of hospitality. I am wanting to put together a hospitality basket for her Christmas gift. Would you have any suggestions? I’m thinking of maybe a hospitality book, some recipes, etc.

  6. Thank you for your well written story
    I will use this to show my sister how the Lord uses her gift of Hospitality

  7. Thank you for sharing this post. Since as long as I can remember, I have been the person to try to make others feel welcomed. Today, I am a mother and short-term rental host. I read your post as I am deepening my understanding of this gift. Thank you for starting the conversation!

    1. My pleasure—thank you for sharing. I love how God is using you both in your family and outside your family for his glory.

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